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Позакласний захід
- систематизувати та розширити знання учнів про святкування Різдва у Британії; 
- розвивати фонематичний слух, креативне мислення, творчі здібності учнів, вміння логічно висловлювати власну думку, збагачувати активний словничок учнів;
- формувати вміння орієнтуватися в потоці різноманітної інформації, виділяючи основне;
- розвивати комунікативні навички дітей, розширюючи знання учнів про культурні традиції країни, мова якої вивчається;
- виховувати повагу до традицій іншої країни, прагнення до здобуття нових знань та розширення світогляду.

Обладнання: ялинка, камін, різдвяний вінок, новорічні прикраси, сніжинки, сніговики, мішок з подарунками, тексти,  записи пісень, картки з різдвяними малюнками, 
 scissorsgluea piece of thin white  cardcolour crayons, felt pens.

Хід заходу
І. Організаційний момент.
Teacher: Good morning, dear children! Glad to see you!
         Poem “Smile” (children recite imitating and showing all the words in it)
  Let’s smile when we say: “Good morning”.
For a smile makes all faces bright.
  Let’s smile when we say: “Good morning”.
For a smile starts the day off right.
With a smile a gloomy day is bright
And a rainbow in the sky at once appears
Share your smile and everything all right
And it will return to you and will be near
Then for sure clouds in the sky
Will be merry dancing high
And grasshopper’ll take at once a tiny fiddle
From blue streams all rivers start
Give the smile from all your heart
Give the smile from all your heart just from the middle!!!

ІІ. Повідомлення теми та цілей заходу.
 Teacher: Welcome to our unusual, joyful and excellent  party! What party will we  have?(the decorations on the board help children to understand clearly about the theme of the party).
Yes, you are right.It is Christmas.
Today we’ll speak about Christmas – a beautiful holiday which is loved by children and adults. We are going to have a contest. All the tasks will be connected with Christmas. I hope you’ll enjoy our English party. Please, be active, sociable and friendly to each other. I want you to feel comfortable and don’t be afraid of the teachers and pupils. Let’s start!
 (Music starts. Winter appears.)
Winter. I come with white snow, snowflakes and snowmen.
 (Two teams “Snowflakes” and “Snowmen’ appear in the classroom.
They introduce themselves singing songs.)
Watch the tiny snowflakes
Softly drifting by
Like a cloud of feathers
Falling from the sky.
Lightly, very lightly
Making not a sound
Snowflakes form a blanket
On the frozen ground.
See the pretty snowflakes
Falling from the sky
On the hills and house tops
Soft and silk they lie.

Frosty the Snowman
Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,
With a corncob pipe and a carrot nose,
And two eyes made out of coal.
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say.
He was made of snow but the children know
How he came to life one day.
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk hat they found,
For when they put it on his head
He began to dance around!
O, Frosty the snowman,
Was alive as he could be!
And the children say he could
Laugh and play
Just the same as you and me.
Thumpety thump thump, (2)
Look at Frosty go!
Thumpety thump thump,(2)
Over the hills of snow...

Winter: There is much white snow in the fields, in the streets and in the parks. The weather is sleepy, silent and excellent.On frosty days the trees are clothed in silver and the windows are covered with wonderful frost-flowers. It is cold. My days are short and the nights are long. Children like to ski, skate, sledge and play snowballs. They are looking forward to New Year and Christmas.  

Task 1. Christmas puzzle. Encourage pupils to think of anything at all they think of when they think about Christmas time. How many words they can link up  Making an acrostics puzzle like this is one way to brainstorm the vocabulary. Words must be interlinked like crosswords are.


















Task 2. Happy Christmas word hunt.
How many words can you make from the letters in HAPPY CHRISTMAS? (For example; PARTY, MISTY, THIRST……) Points could be awarded for the longest word or the biggest quantity of words found.

Task 3. The old man with the sack.
Why Christmas is “HAPPY” for you? Who brings presents to children? Do you know anything about Santa Claus (or Father Christmas)?

Read the text and complete the missing information.
 Story “Santa Claus is on his way”.
Do you know who is (1)________? He is a kind and merry (2)_________who comes at Christmas and brings (3)___________to all boys and (4)_________. Usually he comes on the (5)_______in his magic sleigh pulled by the (6)______, climbs through the (7)_________ and puts presents under the (8)_______ or in the Christmas (9)_______. He does this at night when all the children (10)______. To get the right present you should write a (11)_____ to Santa Claus in advance and send it to the North Pole. In this letter you should ask him to bring you the present that you like and to make your wishes come true. Don’t forget to (12)_____him!
a) sleep;                                    g) reindeer;
b) thank;                                   h) 24th of December;
c) man;                                     i) chimney;
d) letter;                                   j) Christmas tree;
e) presents;                              k) girls;
f) stockings;                             l) Santa Claus.

Song Time.
Children sing the song “Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer”
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows.
       All of the other reindeer
       Join in any reindeer games.
       They never let poor Rudolh
       Used to laugh and call him names.

                   “Rudolph, with your nose so bright,
                    Santa came to say,
                   Then one foggy Christmas Eve
                   Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
                                 “Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
                                 As they shouted out with glee,
                                 Then how the reindeer loved him,
                                 You’ll go down in history!”
(Santa Claus appears.)
 Santa Claus.   A happy Christmas to me!
                         A happy Christmas to you!
                         A happy Christmas to everyone!
                         That’s what I wish – I do!
                         A happy Christmas!!!
                         The day is so clear!
                         The snow is so white.
                         The sky is so bright!
                          We shout with all our might
                         “A Happy Christmas Day!!!”

Task 4. What does Christmas mean to people in the UK?
Teacher. You can use the as a starting point to talk about different aspects of the festive season. Put students in the teams into small groups and divide the paragraphs of the text between them. It may be better to cut up the text and give each group of students only their paragraphs, otherwise it can be too tempting to go ahead and read the whole text. As a jigsaw reading they have to then tell the group about what they read.
-         What does Christmas mean to people in the UK?
-         Before you read the text imagine how Christmas is spent in the UK.
-         Do you think it is similar or different to your own country?
Now each member of the group is going to read one or two paragraphs. When you have all finished reading your paragraph, explain it to the rest of the group.

Christmas can mean different things to different people. For many people it means eating a lot andspending time with family and visiting relatives and friends. For children it often means presents, presents and more presents!
The origins of Christmas
In ancient times people had mid-winter festivals when the days were short and the nights were very long. They believed that their ceremonies would help the sun’s power return. The Romans decorated their homes with green plants in December to remind Saturn, their harvest god, to return the following spring. In CE440 the Christian church decided that the birth of Christ should be celebrated every year on December 25th. Some of these ancient customs were adopted by early Christians as part of their celebrations of the birthday of Jesus Christ. Green plants are still used to decorate many British homes in December. At Christmas we cover trees (real ones or reusable synthetic trees) in with shiny balls and flashing lights!
Cards and presents
It’s very common to send Christmas cards to friends, family, colleagues, classmates and neighbours in the weeks leading up to December 25th. Christmas is traditionally a time for helping other people and giving money to charities. Many people send charity cards; where a percentage of the cost of each card goes to charity. People send fewer cards than in the past as they now send Christmas greetings by email or via Facebook. Christmas presents are reserved for close friends and family. Traditionally the giving of a gift is symbolic of the three wise men giving their gifts ofgold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus. Popular presents for young people in the UK in recent years include a Smart phone, a Playstation Move and 80’s retro fashion.
Father Christmas (aka Santa Claus)
Every year small children tell Father Christmas (also known as Santa Claus) exactly what presents they would like to receive. They can write him letter with a list of requests or they can visit him personally in one of the large department stores across Britain in the weeks before Christmas. On the night of December 24th Father Christmas travels through the sky on a sleigh pulled by magic reindeers and delivers presents to children across Britain. How does he enter the children’s houses? Via the chimney of course!
The Christmas number one
Every year, for a few weeks around Christmas time, the UK music charts go mad. Groups and singers who normally make cool music create a song that they hope will be number one on Christmas Day. The Christmas number one single is written about in newspapers, talked about on the radio and people can even bet money in betting shops to see which song will win the race. In the last ten years, the Christmas number one has been dominated by singers who have won reality television competitions. One year ‘Rage Against the Machine’ started a Facebook campaign to be the first group with a Christmas number 1 with a download only song. They won their anti- corporate campaign with the song ‘Killing in the name’.
Snow at Christmas is part of British culture. You often see it on Christmas cards, you can buy fake snow to decorate your house and there are even songs about snow at Christmas. There was lots of snow last winter in the UK so many people enjoyed a white Christmas. People can bet on whether it will snow or not on December 25th at betting shops around the country.
Turkey and crackers
Christmas dinner is usually eaten at midday or early afternoon. It traditionally includes roast turkey, vegetables and potatoes. There are also lots of alternatives to the turkey dinner for vegetarians who prefer a meat-free Christmas. Dessert is a rich, fruity cake called Christmas pudding. Traditionally a Christmas cracker is placed next to each person. When you pull the cracker with the person next to you, you hear a loud ‘bang!’ and a paper hat, a joke and a small gift fall from the cracker. You have to wear the hat, tell the joke to the other people at the table and keep the gift.
Christmas means…..
Does everyone like Christmas? These comments from young Brits reflect some of the wide range of opinions about Christmas in the UK:
Yasmeen, 20, Liverpool: Christmas to me means catching up with your family and having a laugh. Last of all opening your presents.
Ruby, 15, London: It’s too commercial. There are too many adverts trying to get everyone to spend their money.
James, 13, Crediton: Bringing all your family together, having a laugh, giving presents and eating loads of delicious foods. YUM! YUM!
Tony, 18, Bakewell: The shops start selling Christmas cards in September! That’s 3 months before Christmas. Ridiculous!
Claire, 22, Derby: I work for a charity that gives food to homeless people every Christmas. These people have no home or family so we try to make December 25th a happy day for them.
Charlie, 15, Canterbury: I think Xmas is as much about giving as it is getting. I also think it's a time for the whole family to get together and enjoy being with each other.
Alisha, 16, Manchester: I think that Christmas is a religious time, not just for Christians but for Jews and Muslims too. I celebrate the season the Christian way.
Are the sentences true or false?
·        What are the origins of Christmas?
·        Who gives cards and presents at Christmas?
·        What do you know about Father Christmas?
·        What is the Christmas number one (clue: it’s about music)?
·        Does it always snow at Christmas in Britain?
·        What do people eat at Christmas in the UK?
·        Do British people really like Christmas?
·        Some modern Christmas traditions date from Roman times.
·        British people send money to friends, family, colleagues, classmates and neighbours at Christmas.
·        Gold, frankincense and myrrh are popular Christmas presents for young people in the UK.
·        Santa Claus is another name for Father Christmas.
·        ‘Killing in the name’ won number one position in the UK music charts one Christmas.
·        It doesn’t always snow at Christmas in Britain.
·        A Christmas cracker is a type of dessert.
·        Only Christians celebrate Christmas.
Song Time.
(Children sing a song “If you are happy”)
If you are happy and you know it – clap your hands (twice)
If you are happy and you know it,then your face will surely show it
 If you are happy and you know it – clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it – stamp your feet (twice)
If you are happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you are happy and you know it – stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it – say OK! (twice)
If you are happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you are happy and you know it – say OK!
If you are happy and you know it – do all three!!!
Clap!Clap!Stamp! Stamp! OK! (twice)
If you are happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it

If you are happy and you know it – say OK! OK!!!
Task 5. Writing a letter to Santa Claus.
Teacher: You are going to write a letter to Santa Claus. You need  the cards cutting out of magazines and a list of presents ( or pictures of presents) you would  like to get from Santa Claus. You also need scissors, glue and a piece of thin white  card as well as colour crayons or felt pens. Decorate it with the Christmas pictures.
Dear Santa!
Please, can I have.......for Christmas.
(children add their own wishes)
Love from....
Best wishes from...
Greetings from...

Song Time. 
Children sing the song “Jingle Bells”.
І. Dashing through the snow         ІІ. A day or two ago,
On a one-horse open sleigh,              The story I must tell
Over the fields we go,                        I went out on the snow
Laughing all the way;                        And on my back I fell;
Bells on bob-tail ring,                       A gent was riding by
Making spirits bright,                       In a one-horse open sleigh,
What fun it is to ride and sing          He laughed as there I sprawling lie,
A sleighing song tonight, Oh!..          But quickly drove away, Oh!..
                           Jingle bells, jingle bells,
                           Jingle all the way!
                           Oh what fun it is to ride.

                           In a one-horse open sleigh!

ІІІ. Підведення підсумків. Нагородження переможців призами.
Teacher:  Our party is over. I am grateful to our participants and I also want to thank all those who helped to organize this party, our pupils and guests too. Thank you for your attention. Good bye! 

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