Загальна кількість переглядів сторінки

Релаксаційні вправи


Hands up

Stand up,                                          Stand up,
Hands up,                                         Hands to the sides,
Hands down,                                     Bend left,
Hands on  hips,                                 Bend right
Sit down.                                    
Hands on hips,
One, two, three, hop.
One, two, three, stop.
Stand still. Sit down.

Clap your hands

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
      Clap your hands together.
Hands up! Clap! Clap!
Hands up! Clap! Clap!
 Hands out! Clap! Clap!
 Hands out! Clap! Clap!
       Clap your hands together.
 Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Step and Clap
Step, step, clap, clap!
Step, step, clap, clap!
   Turn yourself around,
                And then you clap, clap, clap!

My hands

     Here’s my left hand,
 Here’s my right,
I can clap them
      With all my might.


Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear, turn around,
            Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear, touch the ground;
       Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear, show your shoe,
Teddy-bear, Teddy-bear,  that will do.

Look at the window

    Look at the window,
     Point to the door,
     Bend all down,
     And touch the floor.

Stand up and look around,
                All sit down and touch the ground.

Stand up and look at me,
                      Clap your hands and touch the knee.

Right hand up

Right hand up!                                         Right leg up!
Right hand down!                                   Right leg down!
Left hand up!                                           Left leg up!
Left hand down!                                      Left leg down!
Stand on your toes!
Clap your hands
And touch your nose!
(Change: left, right, leg, hand…)

Stand up and look

Stand up and look around,
          Shake your head and turn around;

            Stamp your feet upon the ground,
                Clap your hands and then sit down.

Jump the rope

Jump the rope,                                   Jump the fast,
Jump the rope,                                   Jump it slow.
Jump, jump, jump!                           Jump, jump, jump!

Jump it high,                                    Clap your hands,
Jump it low,                                      Clap again.
Jump, jump, j                                   Jump, jump, jump!

Raise your hand

              Raise your hands high up in the air,
To the sides,  on your hair.
           Stamp your feet upon the ground,
              Clap your hands and then sit down.

Morning exercises

  Hands on your hips,                            Raise your hands
  Hands on your knees,                          High in the air,
  Put them behind you,                           At your sides,
  If   you please.                                        On your hair.

  Touch your shoulder,                  Raise your hands
  Touch your nose,                           As before,
    Touch your ears,                          While you clap them,
   Stand on your toes.                     One, two, three, four.
  Jump- one, two, three.
   Clap your hands behind.
   March slowly- march quickly!

           My hands upon my head I place,
      On my shoulders, on my face,
         Then I raise them up and high,
And my fingers quickly fly.
        Then I put them in front of me,
                     And gently clap them-one, two, three.

Physical exercises
Stand up, stand straight, stand still, stand in line;
Bend forward, bend sideways, bend left, bend right;
Turn left, turn right, turn around;
Bend your head, bend your knees, bend  your arms;
Shake your head, nod your head, turn your head left (right) around;
Hands to the sides, hands sideways, hands on hips, hands up, hands down, hands on your head, hands on your shoulders, hands out;
Clap your hands, wave your hands, shake your hands,;
Put your fingers, hands on your head, nose, shoulders;
Jump, hop, jump high,  low, slowl y, quickly, fast;
Stand on your toes, knees, squat down;
March:  one, two, three; step: one, two, three;
Quickly, quick, fast, slowly, high, low.

Can you?
Can you hop like a rabbit?
Yes, we can. Hop-hop.
Can you jump like a frog?
Yes, we can. Jump-jump.
Can you run like a dog?
Yes, we can. Run-run.
Can you walk like a duck?
Yes, we can. Walk-walk.
Can you fly like a bird?
Yes, we can. Fly-fly.
Can you swim like a fish?
Yes, we can. Swim-swim.

The Kangaroo

Come with me to the zoo, zoo, zoo
To see the kangaroo,  roo,  roo.
Watch him walk with a jump, jump, jump!
As he goes along with a bump, bump, bump!

I want to be…

I want to be a tree
Tall, tall, tall.
                  I want to be a chick
                   Small, small, small.
I want to be a hen
Thick, thick, thick.
              I want to be a dog
    Big, big, big.

Up! Down! On!

Stand up and look around,
               Shake your head and turn around.
            Stamp you feet upon the ground,
               Clap you hands and then sit down.

Make your…

Make your right hand clap, clap, clap,
Make your left hand clap, clap, clap,
Turn around: one, two, three,
It is easy you can see.

         Make your right foot tap, tap, tap,
         Make your left foot tap, tap, tap,
         Turn around one, two, three,
         It is easy you can see.

Hands up!

Hands up! Hands to the sides!
Hands down! Hands up!
Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly (slowly) as you
Roll, roll, roll your hands as quickly (slowly) as you can.
Rub, rub, rub your hands as quickly (slowly) as you can.
Shake, shake, shake your head as quickly (slowly) as you can.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers as quickly (slowly) as you can.
Pound, pound, pound your fists as quickly (slowly) as you can.
Sit down!

*  *  *

Hands up! Clap, clap, clap.
             Hands down! Shake, shake, shake.
          Hands forward! Clap, clap, clap.
              Hands down! Shake, shake, shake.
                Hands on hips! Jump, jump, jump.
    Hands to the left! Clap, clap!
         Hands to the right! Clap, clap!
 Hop. Hop, hop! Stop!

*  *  *
     Pick up, put down, stand up, turn around,
Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down,
Look left, look right, look up, look down
 Turn around, sit down, touch something…brown!
Point to your friend, point to the door,
Look at the window, look at the floor,
   Stand on your left leg, stand on your right,
Now sit down, touch something….white!

Up and down!
Bend your head                                  On your knees
Bend your knees,                                 Slowly fall,
Grow as tall                                          Curl yourself
As New Year trees.                              Into a ball.
Raise your head,
Jump up high,
Wave your hand
       And say “Good-bye”.

My feet

                I like to go on one feet:
Hop, hop, hop;
                       But when I go on one foot,
          I soon have to stop.
                When I lift my two feet,
                  I can jump, jump, jump.
                 My feet hit in the ground
                       With a bump, bump, bump.

My hands upon my head

My hands upon
  My head I place,
     On my shoulders,
On my face,
Then I put them
In front of me,
                              And gently clap - one, two, three.

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