Загальна кількість переглядів сторінки


Ukraine is a rich farming, industrial and mining region in south­eastern Europe. It is an independent democratic state. Its population is about 52 mln. people. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. Ukraine has its own armed forces, and maintains its own diplomatic relations with foreign countries. The Republic has its own Constitution, Government, Supreme Council, President and Court.
Ukraine covers about 603,700 sq km being larger than any country in Western Europe. From east to west Ukraine stretches for more than 1,300 km and from north to south for almost 900 km. It borders on Byelorussia and Russia in the north and in the east. In the south it is bounded by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. In the west Ukraine it is bounded by Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.
Ukraine is in ideal geographical position for the development of its resources, lying between 44 and 52 latitude north. The climate is mild and warm, with a long summer and a short winter. Together with its fertile black soil, this makes it ideal for the development of intensive agriculture. The main part of Ukraine is located in the watershed of the Dnieper River, which divides Ukraine into two parts: Right-Bank and Left-Bank Ukraine.
Ukraine's proximity to the Black Sea and the presence of large navigable rivers running through its territory has promoted the development of trade and culture. Ukraine also lies on the Danube, and this gives it access to European countries.
The territory of Ukraine is criss - crossed by railroads and highways, oil and gas pipelines and high-voltage transmission lines — all of which ensure close economic ties with Eastern and Western Europe.
Ukraine consists largerly of a flat, fertile plain with no natural boundaries except the Carpathian Mountains in the southwest and the Black Sea in the south. Great areas are occupied by steppes and forest-steppe regions. Lowlands occupy a considerable part of the country.
Within the borders of Ukraine we find the Carpathian Mountains with the highest peak Hoverla(2,061m) which is located in the Chornohora massif. The Carpathians are young folded mountains, so they have flat summits and gentle slopes. The flat area of the treeless summit is called polonyna.
           The Crimean Mountains stretch in three parallel ranges. The Main Range is the highest, rising to 1,500 m above sea level. Its highest peak is Roman Kosh (1,545 m).

  Fertile – родючий                      pipeline - трубопровід
  Latitude – широта                      flat - плоский
  Watershed – басейн                    plain - рівнина
  Proximity – близькість               range - хребет
  Navigable – судноплавний          slope - схил
  Access – доступ                        lowland - низина
  Criss-cross – перехрещувати

Q u e s t  i o n s
1.            What is the population of Ukraine?                                    
2.            What area does Ukraine cover?                                                 
3.     What countries does Ukraine border on?
4.            What kind of climate does Ukraine have?
5.            Where is the main part of Ukraine located?                                   ,
6.            What factors have promoted the development of trade and culture
in Ukraine?
7.            What ensures close economic ties of Ukraine with Eastern and
Western Europe?
8.     Are there any mountains in Ukraine? Where are they situated? What
are the highest peaks?
9.            What are the main rivers of Ukraine?


The Ukrainian Constitution establishes the country's political system, assures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and is the basis for its laws.
Chapter I of the Constitution asserts that Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, law-based state. It is a Unitarian state with single citizenship.
Article 2 reads: "The territory of Ukraine within its current frontiers is indivisible, and inviolable".
Ukraine is a republic. The people are the only source of power in Ukraine. The people exercise power directly and through the bodies of state power and local self-government.
According to the forms of the government Ukraine combines the elements of presidential and parliamentary republic.
The state power in Ukraine is divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The Supreme (Verkhovna) Rada is the only body of the legislative power of Ukraine. There are 450 people's deputies who are elected for a term of 4 years.
The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister.
Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. They are the Constitutional Court and regional courts.
The head of the Ukrainian State is the President, who is elected directly by the voters for a term of 5 years with no more than two full terms.
Administratively Ukraine is divided into 24 regions (oblast) and the Crimean Republic, which has a special status as a constituent part of Ukraine. The smaller administrative territorial units are district (rayon), town, and village. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
Social life in Ukraine is based upon the principles of political, economic, and ideological diversity. According to article 15, "no ideology nay be recognized by the State as compulsory. Censorship is prohibited".
The state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language. The state guarantees the comprehensive development and use of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of society across the entire territory of Ukraine.
The unfettered development, use and protection of Russian and other languages of national minorities in Ukraine are guaranteed by the constitution.

establish — установлювати, засновувати
assure — забезпечувати
assert — твердити, заявляти
independent — незалежний
single — єдиний, один
citizenship — громадянство
frontier — кордон
indivisible — неподільний
inviolable — непорушний, недоторканий
body — орган
combine — поєднувати
legislative — законодавчий
executive — виконавчий
judicial — юридичний
the only — єдиний
elect — вибирати
exercise — здійснювати
entirely — повністю, цілком
court — суд
voter — виборець
status — статут
constituent — складовий
diversity — розмаїтість
according to — згідно з
compulsory — обов'язковий, примусовий
censorship — цензура
prohibit — забороняти
comprehensive — всебічний
entire — весь
unfettered — вільний
protection — захист
minority — меншина

 Q u e s t  i o n s
1.      What does the Ukrainian Constitution establish?
2.      What does Chapter I of the Constitution assert?
3.      What branches is the state power in Ukraine divided into?
4.      What is the highest body of the executive power?
5.      How is justice in Ukraine exercised?
6.      Who is the head of the Ukrainian State?
7.      What is social life based on?
8.      What is the official language of Ukraine?
9.      What does the state guarantee?

The Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine was adopted by the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine on the 16thof July, 1990.
The Declaration consists of 10 chapters. They are as follows:

1)     Self-determination of the Ukrainian Nation.
2)     Government of the People.
3)     State power.
    4) Citizenship of Ukraine.
5)     Territorial supremacy.
6)     Economic independence.
7)     Ecological security.
8)     Cultural development.
9)     External and domestic security.
10) International relations.
I. Talking about self-determination of our nation we should mention that Ukraine as a sovereign national state in developing within the existing borders, defends and protects the national statehood of the Ukrainian people. Any violent actions against the national statehood of Ukraine will be punished by law.

II.  The Government of Ukraine.
The people of Ukraine are the only source of state power. The sovereignty of the Ukrainian people is exercised according to the Constitution. Only the Supreme Soviet may speak in the name of the entire people.
III.  State Power.
The State power in Ukraine is conducted through legislative, executive and judicial powers.
The Procurator General of Ukraine, who is appointed by the Supreme Soviet, exercises the control over a precise execution of the law of the Constitution.
IV.  Citizenship of Ukraine.
All Ukrainian people have the rights and freedoms which are guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine and by the norms of international law recognized by Ukraine. All citizens of Ukraine have equal rights irrespective of their social status, race, nationality, origin, sex, education, language, political views, religion and profession.
V. Territorial Supremacy.
The territory of Ukraine within its existing borders is inviolable, may not be changed and used without its consent.
VI. Economic Independence.
Ukraine independently determines its economic status and embodies in laws.
Mineral wealth, air space, water, land, natural resources within the territory of Ukraine are used for purpose of satisfying the material and spiritual requirements of the Ukrainian people.
VII.  Ecological Security.
Ukraine independently organizes environmental protection on its territory. Its has its own commission for protection of the people from radiation. Not any enterprise, institution, organization has the right to make ecological situation worse.
Ukraine takes care of ecological security of its citizens.
VIII. Cultural Development.
Ukraine independently solves all problems of education, science, cultural development of the Ukrainian nation. Ukraine preserves its own traditions, customs, language, ethnographical characteristics.
IX. External and Domestic Security.
Ukraine has its own armed forces which exercise the state security. The young people of Ukraine must take service in the army. Ukraine doesn't use its armed forces for military purposes beyond its territory and doesn't participate in any military blocs.

X. International Relations.   
Ukraine has diplomatic relations with other countries, concludes agreements, participates in activities of international organizations. Ukraine builds its relations with other countries on the basis of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in other countries' international affairs.

self-determination самовизначення
supremacy верховна влада
security безпека
external зовнішній
domestic внутрішній
relation зв'язок
mention згадувати
existing існуючий, наявний
violent насильний
punish    карати
exercise здійснювати
precise точний
execution виконання
irrespective of незалежно від
consent згода
determine визначати
embody втілювати, включати
spiritual духовний, інтелектуальний
requirement потреба, вимога

environmental protection захист навколишнього середовища
enterprize підприємство
take care піклуватись
security безпека
ethnographical етнографічний
external зовнішній
conclude заключати
agreement угода
participate брати участь
mutual respect взаємна повага
non-interference невтручання

1.            When was the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine adopted?
2.            How many chapters does the Declaration consist of? What are they?
3.            How is the sovereignty of Ukraine exercised?
4.            Through what powers is the state power in Ukraine conducted?
5.            What rights and what duties do all Ukrainian citizens have?
6.            How does Ukraine organize environmental protection on its territory?
7.            Does Ukraine preserve its own traditions, customs, language and ethnographical characteristics?
8.            Does Ukraine have its own armed forces? Does our country participate in any military block?
9.            What can you say about the diplomatic relations of Ukraine with other countries? 
The state symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag of Ukraine, the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine and State Anthem.
The State Flag of Ukraine is a banner of two equally sized horizontal bands of blue and yellow. It should be mentioned that flags of ancient Ukraine were different. Red was the most frequent colour, blue and white were used also, but yellow rarely appeared. The most eminent flags of the Ukrainian Kozak State were the first and the second standards of the Hetman. The national flag of the eighteenth century was the armorial one with Knight Kozak with Musket. Military colours and standards displayed the national coat of arms and various heraldic crosses, which were derived from the favoured insignia of the Zaporizhian Host. Red and crimson banner often represented patriotic feelings of Ukrainians after the decline of the Hetman reign.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, when the national revolutions marked the course of European history, the necessity arose for a visible symbols of the self-determination of the Ukrainian nation. Seeking inspiration in the glorious historical past, the Supreme Ruthenian Rada in Lviv, reviving in 1848 the coat of arms of the former Kingdom simultaneously accepted the armorial tinctures as the combination of national colours of Ukraine. Both, the light blue flag charged with the golden crowned lion and the horizontally striped flag were used at that time and the latter soon became the national flag in Galicia as well as all over Ukraine.
A law of the independent Ukrainian National Republic decreed this composition of national colours on March 22, 1918 and by the Ukrainian State under Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi. The light blue above yellow flag was established for the Western Ukrainian National Republic on November 13, 1918 and for the Carpatho-Ukrainian Republic on March 15, 1939, as a symbol of the all-Ukrainian unity. Both the yellow above light blue flag and the light blue above yellow flag were hoisted until 1949, and borne as military standards and colours during the War of Liberation of 1917-20. The flag with the yellow stripe oh top was used exclusively in Western Ukraine under the Polish occupation until 1939. The light blue above yellow flag was provisionally confirmed by the Ukrainian National Rada in exile on June 27, 1949.


banner прапор
equally sized рівні за розміром
bearing девіз (на гербі)
crescent півмісяць
cross хрест
device девіз, емблема
standard прапор
armorial геральдичний
musket мушкет
coat of arms герб
insignia (лат.) емблеми, значки, відзнаки, ордени
crimson темно-червоний, малиновий
decline занепад
seek шукати
inspiration натхнення
exclusively виключно
hoist піднімати (прапор)
revive відроджувати(ся)
tincture відтінок
provisionally тимчасово
charge (with) насичувати
exclusively виключно
confirm затверджувати
in exile у засланні

1.             Describe the state flag of Ukraine.
2.             How did the flags of ancient Ukraine look like?
3.             What composition of national colours did a law of the independent Ukrainian National Republic decree on March 22,1918?
4.      What flag was established for the Western Ukrainian National Republic on November,13, 1918
The contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine, Azure, a trident or, is the most ancient as well as the most dignified of all the Ukrainian insignia of nationwide significance and its emblazonment represents a synthesis of a pre-heraldic device of the ruling dynasty in the tenth century and of the oldest Ukrainian national heraldic tinctures from the 13th century. The classic form of the Ukrainian trident is found on the gold and silver coins of Volodymyr the Great (979-1015), the Grand Prince of Kyiv.
Scholars have still not solved the problems of the origin and of the original meaning of the Ukrainian trident. The archaeological finds of tridents in Ukraine go back to the first century AD. Und
this emblem was a mark of authority and a mystic symbol of one or of several of the ethnic groups which inhabited the ancient Ukrainian territory and which came to compose the Ukrainian nation.
The trident became a hereditary pre-heraldic badge of all of medieval Ukraine and in almost every generation it underwent certain augmentations (e.g., more crosslets, crescents, and pearls), and there were cases where the trident passed into a bident and vice versa. Tridents and bidents are found on many objects of that period: coins, stones, and bricks of significant buildings (palaces, castles, cathedrals, etc.), armour, seals, official jewellery, ceramics, manuscripts. As a result of archaeological excavations and studies, the number of specimens of the trident, in various forms, has increased and stands now at about 200.
During the 12th century, the image of Saint Michael the Archangel superseded the trident as the highest national device, but tridents continued to be used by ruling houses as additional dynastic badges until the 15th century.
After the renaissance of independent Ukraine on January 22, 1918, the trident was adopted, by a law of March 22, 1918, as the national device of the Ukrainian National Republic. It was adopted in the form of a Great and a Small Coat of Arms representing the classic trident of Volodymyr the Great in an ornamental wreath.

contemporary сучасний
azure блакитний
or золотий або жовтий колір (геральдика)
dignified сповнений гідності
emblazonment розмальовування гербів
ruling правління
pre-heraldic догеральдичний
finds знахідки
trident тризуб
AD - Anno Domini нашої ери (християнської ери)
mark знак
authority влада, повноваження, управління
compose складати
hereditary спадковий
medieval середньовічний
e.g. = for example
crosslet хрестик
pearl перлина
bident двозуб
castle замок
armour зброя
seal печатка
manuscript рукопис
excavation розкопка
specimen зразок, взірець
image зображення, образ
device емблема
supersede замінити
renaissance відродження
represent являти (собою), зображати, змальовувати
wreath вінок

1.            What does the contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine represent?
2.            What century do the archaeological finds of tridents in Ukraine go back to?
3.            When did the trident become a hereditary pre-heraldic badge in Ukraine?
4.            During what century did the image of Saint Michael the Archangel supersede the trident as the highest national device?
5.            When was the trident adopted as the national device of the Ukrainian National Republic?
The Ukrainian anthem, Sche ne vmerla Ukraina (Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished), is of quite recent origin. In Western Ukraine after 1848 there were usually 2 songs, which enjoyed popularity at national celebrations and patriotic demonstrations. One was by the Basilian Father Julian Dobrylovskyi (1760-1825) Grant, О Lord, in Good Time and the other, the verse of Ivan Hushalevych (1848-1903) — We Bring You Peace, Brothers. In 1848 the Galician Ukrainians recognized the latter. The Carpatho-Ukrainians, on occasion of popular celebrations, sang the song by Alexander Dukhnovych (1803-1865) — I was, Am and Will be a Rusyn (Ruthenian). In the central and eastern Ukrainian lands the Testament of Taras Shevchenko was used for many years as a national anthem at manifestations and demonstrations. It was called, not inappropriately, the Ukrainian Marsillaise.
In 1863 the Lviv journal Meta (the Goal) published the poem of Pavlo Chubynskyi (1839-1884), Sche ne vmerla Ukraina, which was mistakenly ascribed to Taras Shevchenko. In the same year the Galician composer Mykhailo Verbytskyi (1818-1870) set it to music, first for solo and later choral performance.
This song, as a result of its catchy melody and patriotic text, rapidly became popular and gained broad acceptance among the Galician population as well as among the Ukrainians within the Russian empire. In 1917 it was officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian State.

anthem гімн
recent недавній
enjoy popularity бути популярним
on occasion з нагоди
testament заповіт
ascribe приписувати (комусь)
performance виконання
catchy привабливий, що запам'ятовується (про мелодію)
gain broad acceptance отримати широке визнання
empire імперія

1.            What is the Ukrainian anthem?
2.     What songs enjoyed popularity at nutional celebrations in Western Ukraine after 1848?
3.     When did the Lviv journl Meta publish the poem of Pavlo Chubynskyi?
4.     Who set it to music?
5.     Why did the song "She ne vmerla Ukraina" rapidly become popular?
6.     When was it officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian State?

Every civilized nation, every state in the world is governed by a set of basic laws and principles known as a constitution. In some states the constitution is a specific written document, in others it is a collection of documents, statutes and traditional practices that are generally accepted as governing political matters.
The Ukrainian Constitution has a long history. The first legal document of Kyiv Rus' was "The Rus" Truth" code, written in the 12th century according to the order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. In 1710 the Zaporizhian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk wrote his «Pacts and Constitutions of Laws and Liberties of the Zaporizka Host*. The document was adopted on April 5, 1710 and is considered to be the first democratic constitution in Europe.
The constitutional practice during liberation struggle of 1917-1920 is connected with publishing the legal acts I, II, III, IV of the Universals. The main document of Western Ukrainian People's Republic that appeared at the end of 1918 as a result of the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was a "Provisional Law about Administration of WUPR".
During the years of the Bolsheviks' power Ukraine had 4 Constitutions (1919, 1929, 1937, 1978) but they were more ideological documents than legal ones.
That was not until June 28, 1996 that the Supreme Rada of Ukraine adopted the Fundamental Law of an independent Ukraine. The 28th of June has since been proclaimed a state holiday.
The adoption of the new Constitution of Ukraine was a significant event in the life of all Ukrainian people. It opened a new glorious page in the history of our country. Millions of Ukrainian citizens took part in the discussion of the Draft of the Constitution of a sovereign state; most of them approved the Fundamental Law of our country.
Now when our country has established friendly relations with many countries throughout the world, the adoption of the Constitution is very important because Ukraine is recognized now as a state that has not only its government, its higher and local bodies of state power, its state symbols but its own Constitution as well.
All the people in Ukraine believe that the adoption of the Constitution will be a landmark on the way to stabilization of the national economy. Our Constitution proclaims and guarantees real rights and freedoms for the citizens of Ukraine; it defines their duties as well.
The Ukrainian Constitution consists of a preamble, 14 chapters that contain 161 articles and the fifteenth chapter called "Transitional Provisions".
be governed керуватись
set набір, комплект
accept приймати, визнавати
code звід законів, кодекс
host військо
provisional тимчасовий
proclaim проголошувати
glorious славетний
draft проект
approve схвалювати, затверджувати
landmark віха, поворотний пункт
define визначати
preamble преамбула, вступ
transitional    перехідний
provision положення
1.            What is a constitution?
2.     When were the first constitutions adopted?
3.     What was the first prototype of modern constitutions?
4.     When did the Supreme Rada adopt the Fundamental Law of an Independent Ukraine?
5.            What does the Ukrainian Constitution consist of?

Taras Shevchenko was born on the25th of February, 1814, in the village of Moryntsi, near Kyrylivka, in the Government of Kyiv. His parents were peasants, being serfs on the estate of a certain Engelhardt.
        In the year 1823 Taras was deprived by death of his mother, and her loss was the beginning of his troubles. His father married again and the new wife proved a severe stepmother to the children. Taras, with his little sister, Irene, who was his constant companion, used to go to the neighbouring Lebedynskyi monastery. Here he often saw an old monk, who had been an eye-witness of the terrible struggle between the Ukrainians and the Poles in 1768. This man had many a story to tell of the period, and gave the young poet the material for his striking poem "Haidamaky".
In the year 1829 Shevchenko's old master, Engelhardt, died, and his son and heir took young Taras as his page. At this period he began to paint pictures. By good luck Shevchenko made the acquaintance of the artist Soshenko, and by his advice began to paint portraits in water-colours. His success in this respect was so great that his master used to employ him to paint the portraits of his friends, and rewarded him with money. Soshenko and the Ukrainian novelist Grebinka succeeded in purchasing the freedom of the poor artist. The celebrated Russian painter, Brioulov, agreed to execute a portrait of the poet Zhukovsky, which was sold for 2,500 roubles, and for this sum his master Engelhardt, agreed to set him a liberty.
In 1858 Shevchenko became a member of the Academy of Arts. His fondness for poetry developed itself, and in 1840 appeared his "Kobzar", containing a collection of lyrical pieces in the Ukrainian language. In the following years were published "Haidamaky" and "Hamalia". This poems made him famous.
Soon afterwards the poet visited Kyiv. There he became embroiled with the Government, through mixing himself with some secret societies.
From 1847 till 1857 Taras Shevchenko lived in the exile in Siberia. The condition of the poet was inexpressibly sad, as he recorded it in many of his "Dumy". His fate was the more severe, because he was forbidden to amuse himself with painting.
In the summer of 1859 he paid a visit to Ukraine, and saw his sister Irene in his native village. He was very poor at that time. He dreamt to settle himself in Ukraine, on the Dnieper, but he was never destined to do it. His health began to show signs of breaking down, owing to his long sufferings both in early youth and in his Siberian exile. But even in his last days he was busy in writing books, to assist popular education, in the Ukrainian language. During his life his book on the Ukrainian
 Grammar was published, but his works on Arithmetic, Geography, and History were never published.
He died on the 26th of February, 1861.
His wish to be buried in Ukraine is expressed in his "My Testament":
My Testament
When I am dead, then bury me
In my beloved Ukraine
My tomb upon a grave mound high
Amid the spreading plain,
So that the fields, the boundless steppes,
The Dniper's plunging shore
My eyes could see, my ears could hear
The mighty river roar.
When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears
Into the deep blue sea
The blood of floes ... then will I leave
These hills and fertile fields —
I'll leave them all and fly away
To the abode of God,
And then I'll pray ... . But till the day
I nothing know of God.
Oh bury me, then, rise ye up
And break your heavy chains
And water with the tyrants' blood
The freedom you have gained.
And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softy spoken, kindly word
Remember also me.
(Translated by John Weir)
        He was buried in a picturesque spot on the banks of the Dnieper. Shevchenko gathered into verse many of the most striking legends of Ukraine. He tells of Hamalia, Jan Pidkova, Doroshenko, Nalyvaiko, and others.
His verses have for all Ukrainian people a great charm and his memory is regarded with idolatry.

peasant селянин
serf кріпак
estate маєток
be deprived (тут) втратити
loss втрата
severe сувора
stepmother мачуха
constant постійний
monk монах
eye-witness свідок
heir спадкоємець
page хлопчик-слуга
by good luck на щастя
make the acquaintance of познайомитись
water-colours акварель
respect відношення
reward нагороджувати
purchase купляти
celebrated знаменитий, славетний
execute виконати
liberty свобода
fondness захоплення
embroil сварити (з)
exile заслання
inexpressibly невимовно
fate доля
forbid забороняти
amuse розважати
settle оселитися
break down втратити здоров'я
owing to внаслідок
suffering страждання
assist допомагати, сприяти
be buried бути похованим
express виражати, висловлювати
picturesque- мальовничий
striking – вражаючий, дивовижний

1.            When and where was Taras Shevchenko born?
2.            What did he use to do being a boy?
3.     What happened after his master's death?
4.     When did Taras begin to paint pictures?
5.     Who purchased his freedom?
6.     When did Shevchenko become a member of the Academy of Arts?
7.            When did his "Kobzar" appear? What did it contain?
8.     Where and why did Taras Shevchenko live from 1847 till 1857?
What was his fate there?
9.     What happened in the summer of 1859?
10. What did Shevchenko dream about at that time?
11. How did he spend his last days of life?
12. In what words did he express his wish to be buried on the bank of the river Dnieper?
13. When did he die?
14. Why are his works still so popular in Ukraine?

Our Ukrainian literature contains a great many glorious names such as Pavlo Zahrebelnyi, Oles Honchar, Vasyl Stus, Roman Ivanchuk, Vasyl Symonenko and others. Lina Kostenko is one of the most talented modern Ukrainian poets whose works are full of love to our nation and land.
She was born on the 19th of March, 1930 in Rzhyshchiv, Kyiv Region, into the family of school teachers. When the girl was 6 years old the family moved to Kyiv. When still a child Lina began writing verses. After graduating from a secondary school she entered the Pedagogical Institute in Kyiv. In 1952 Linna Kostenko became a student of Moscow Literary Institute» named after M. Gorky.
She published her poems first when she was only 16. But the rebellious spirit of the poetess caused her long time silence during our social stagnation and inertness.
Her coming back to the world of literature brought the outstanding book of verse "On the Banks of the Eternal River". The book is full of thoughts and feelings, sincerity and emotional experience.
Then followed such prominent books as the historic novel in verse "Marusia Churai" in which the poetess showed Ukraine's cultural life in the 17th century, the books of verse "Inimitableness" (1980), "The Garden of Unmelting Sculptures" (1987).
Lina Kostenko is regarded one of the best modern Ukrainian poets. Her works are of great importance nowadays when our nation is solving the burning problem of its cultural revival.

contain вміщати
rebellious spirit бунтарський дух
stagnation застій
coming back повернення
sincerity щирість
"Inimitableness* "Неповторність"
revival відродження

1.            What modern Ukrainian writers and poets do you know?
2.     Where and when was Lina Kostenko born?
3.     What Institute did she enter in 1952?
4.     When did she begin writing her first verses? When did she publish her first book?
5.            What did the rebellious spirit of the poetess cause during our social, stagnation and inertness?
6.     What books made Lina Kostenko famous? Why are they so important nowadays?
7.     Do you like her poems? Why? 
There are a lot of interesting places in Ukraine. You should start your sightseeing with Kyiv first. Many ancient architectural monuments have been preserved in the capital of our country till today. One of them is St. Sophia's Cathedral. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav
the Wise in 1037. The Cathedral makes a great impression by its pictorial decor.
Kyiv-Pechery Lavra, Ukraine's oldest monastery, is situated in Pechersk. The Lavra has become a major centre for promotion of early Russian culture. The Cathedral of Assumption is the main church of the monastery.
Golden Gate, Andriivskyi Uzviz, Podil, St. Volodymyr's Cathedral, St. Andrew's Church, Independence Square are the most exciting places in Kyiv.
Talking about its streets and squares one should single out the main street of Kyiv Kreshchatyk. This broad straight street is unforgettably beautiful. Its history begins from the period of Kyi van Rus. A lot of chestnut trees make the street more beautiful.
The ancient town which history goes way back to the middle of the 13th century is Lviv. It was founded by Daniil Romanovych, Prince of Galicia and Volhynia who named the town in honour of his son Lev. There are a great many interesting places in Lviv. One of them is the Church of Saint Michael of the Carmelite Order. It was built in 1634 by architect Jan Pokorowicz. The buildings of the Church and monastery were protected by fortified walls the remains of which can still be observed from Darwin Street. The Church has numerous artistic relics: a huge Pieta attributed to Altomonte, the court painter of Jan III Sobieski, several wooden sculptures of the 17th and 18th centuries and a number of nineteen-century tombstones, and the masterpiece of the Church — a splendid carved altar of black marble with inlaid work, executed in the 17th century by Lviv sculptor Oleksandr Prokhenkovych.
The Church of Saint Antonius was built in 1718 in the best traditions of Baroque style. Here nature and architecture have merged to form a beautiful complex which includes the Church, the luxurious trees and vendure, the terraces and the stairways, statues, vases and the belfry.
The central square of Lviv bears the name of the great Polish poet Adam Mitskevich. A monument to the poet was unveiled in 1905 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the poet's death.
It is impossible to describe all numerous sights of Lviv. The town is famous by its beautiful churches, cathedrals, castles, ancient buildings.
Chernivtsi has the Yurii Fedkovych and Olha Kobylianska literary-memorial museums, a museum of regional studies, a picture gallery.
The Olha Kobylianska Theatre of Music and Drama is one of the most outstanding in our country.
The Carpathian Mountains are the place where tourists can visit wooden churches and cottages which represent traditional folk architecture.

ancient старовинний, стародавній
preserve зберігати
cathedral собор
impression враження
pictorial мальовничий
decor обстановка
promotion просування
the Cathedral of Assumption Успенський Собор
exciting вражаючий
single out виділити
church церква
fortified укріплений
remains залишки, рештки
relic реліквія
attribute приписувати
carve вирізати (з дерева, кістки, тощо), висікти (з каменю)
marble мармур
inlaid інкрустований
execute виконувати
merge з'єднатися
luxurious розкішний
stairways сходи
belfry дзвіниця
bear носити
commemorate відзначити
represent представляти
folk народний

1.               When was St. Sophia's Cathedral founded?
2.               Name some ancient buildings in Kyiv.
3.               What is the main street in Kyiv?
4.             How old is Lviv? Who founded it? Who was it named after?
5    What is Lviv famous for?
6.     Are there any historical places in Chernivtsi?
7.            Are there any interesting places in your town? What are they?
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and the seat of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada. Its population is more than 3 million people.
Kyiv is an ancient city. According to the legend three brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid founded this city on one of the hills. They called it Kyiv after the elder brother. The Golden Gate was the main entrance to the city at that time. You can see the remains of the Gold Gate in the centre of the city.
There is a Monument to the famous Ukrainian statesman and military leader Bohdan Khmelnytskyi in the centre of St. Sophia's Square. The state Museum of Ukrainian Art was opened in 1899. All periods of the development of Ukrainian fine arts are embraced in collections of drawings, paintings and sculptures there. The museum of Folk Architecture and Ethnography was opened in 1976 and it attracts the attention of many tourists who come to Kyiv.
There are many other museums in the capital, too: the T.Shevchenko Museum, the State Museum of Western and Eastern Art, the State Historical Museum.
Kyiv is a great cultural centre. It is famous by its theatres, such as the I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesia Ukrainka Drama Theatre, the T.Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet Theatre, etc.
The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra became an important cultural centre of Old Rus'since the 9th century. Among the museums of Lavra there is a Museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art which comprises a great collection of ancient objects of art, glass, porcelain, embroidery, etc.
The capital of Ukraine Kyiv is the centre of political life of the country. All major political events take place there.
The city has a lot of factories and plants which produce motocycles, electrical measuring instruments, excavators, river and sea ships, planes, chemicals and various kinds of consumer goods.

seat — місце знаходження
embrace — містити, включати в себе
Еthnography — етнографія
comprise — містити, включати в себе
objects — вироби
embroidery — вишивка
event — подія
consumer goods — товари широкого вжитку

1. What is the capital of Ukraine?
2. How many people live in Kyiv?
3. Who founded Kyiv? Why is it called so?
4. What ancient monuments and memorials are there in Kyiv?
5. What museums are there in Kyiv?
6. What theatres are there in Kyiv?
7. What do factories and plants in Kyiv produce?

                                                            UKRAINIAN HOLIDAYS
                There are many holidays in Ukraine which are celebrated by all our people. One of the most favourite holidays is New Year's Day. People decorate New Year trees, present each other presents and believe that all troubles will leave them forever with the coming new year. January the 6th is Orthodox Christmas. Many old Ukrainian customs and traditions are connected with this holiday.
               The 8th of March is the Women's Day. On that day we thank our women for everything they do for us at work and at home, say our good wishes, and present them bunches of flowers.
               Easter is celebrated in spring. This is the day to think about Jesus Christ's death for our salvation, about what we have to do to improve ourselves and the life around us.
                  On May the 9th we celebrate the anniversary of our victory over Nazi Germany. On that day we thank the veterans of the World War II for our life.
                The Day of Ukrainian Independence is celebrated on the 24th of August. The everlasting dream of Ukrainian people came true, they became the masters of their own country, their own destiny.
                 The 14th of February is St. Valentine Day, the Day of lovers, when we give presents and write love letters and cards to our sweethearts.

decorate — прикрашати
 Orthodox — православний
bunch — 6yкет
Easter — Великдень
everlasting — довічний, віковічний
salvation — порятунок
improve — покращити
 destiny — доля
anniversary — річниця
 sweetheart — коханий (кохана)

1. Are there many holidays in Ukraine? What are they?
2. How do Ukrainian people celebrate New Year's Day?
3. On what day is the Day of Ukrainian Independence celebrated?
4. How do you celebrate the Women's Day?
5. What is your favourite holiday? How do you celebrate it?

    Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals, humans and is different in different parts of the world.
    Ukraine is not the largest country of the world. It lies in the centre of Europe. Its territory is rather big. The climate is temperately continental changing from one region to another. So the climate of the western regions is milder, the climate of the eastern regions is sharper. A characteristic feature of the climate is an increase in its continental nature from west to east. The coldest month is January with temperature -25-30 *C. The warmest month is Jury with temperature +30 *C. Rain and snow precipi­tation ranges from the north to the south annually. The highest rainfall is observed in the Carpathian Mountains in the western part of Ukraine. The rains are few on the coast line of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. On the main part of the country rainfalls are enough to cultivate different agricultural plants. The winds are strong and often occur in the central part of Ukraine in the steppe zone, with sandy storms. Maximum rainfall generally occurs in June and July, minimum in February. Snow falls mainly in the late November and early December.
     But the climate on the Crimean peninsula differs from the climate on the other territory of Ukraine. It lies in a subtropical zone. The Crimean Mountains block out the cold air, that's why the summer temperature is +23 *C and the winter temperature is 0 *C or +2 *C. So, the weather in the Crimean peninsula is the warmest in Ukraine.
      The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographi­cal position.
       But climate has changed a lot in our country. Some scientists think the weather is becoming warmer... Some­times there is little snow in January, and there were winters when it rained on the New Year's Eve.
       Many people say that it is so because of a greenhouse effect Sunlight gives   us heat Some of it warms the atmo­sphere and some of it goes back into space. Nowadays the air surrounding the Earth has become much warmer because the heat can't go back into apace. That's wiry winter and summer temperatures have become higher in many places.
       During the last 100 years people have produced a lot of carbon dioxide. This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn't let much heat get out. So, the atmosphere becomes warmer.
       People and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees take this gas from the air and produce oxygen. But in the last few years people have cut down and burnt big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide in the air.

  Post-reading tasks
 Discuss the questions.
1. How can a greenhouse effect influence the climate? '
2. Can people influence the climate?

A legend about foundation of Kyiv
Once there lived three brothers: Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv, and they had a sister Lybid. One day they were boating along beautiful banks of the Dnipro. They saw three green hills covered with a thick forest. “This is a fine place”, said Kyi. “Let us settle here”. And they settled on those three hills.
Kyi, the eldest brother, was a tall strong handsome man. He was a fine boatman. Ha was also a gifted craftsman and made fine boats. People used to come to buy his boats or to learn how to make them. Kyi loved the river and spend much time on the Dnipro.
Shchek, the younger brother, had a freckled face, green eyes and red hair. He was a very good potter. He made wonderful jugs and basins of clay.
Khoriv, their youngest brother, had hazel eyes and fair hair. He was a fine psaltery-player and sang beautiful songs. But he was a talented craftsman besides that. He made wonderful silver rings, necklaces and ear-rings.
Their sister Lybid was a pretty girl with blue eyes and long golden hair. She was gentle and modest. Lybid was a very good spinner and her snow-white linen was famous among the Polyan women. The three brothers loved her very much and took care of their sister.
By and by many people settled around three hills near the Dnipro. The three brothers always helped their neighbours.
For a long time the people lived happily, but one day the enemy Avar tribe came to their land. The Polyans were brave people. They did not run from the enemies but began to fight with them. Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv were in the first ranks to defend their homes, their wives and their children. And the Avars ran from their land.
After it Kyi became the first Prince of the Polyan tribe, because people loved and respected him. Soon the Polyans built the first walled town on one of the hills at the river Dnipro and named it Kyiv in honour of their Prince.

Do these tasks after reading:
1.      Write out all professions which can you see.
2.      Fill in the missing words
a)      Three brothers were boating along beautiful banks of the……… .
b)      Their sister was ….. .c)On that time Kyiv was covered……… .
d)The Polyans were….people; e)The first Prince of the Polyan was………..
3.      Make questions to the sentences:
 1) For a long time the people lived happily.  2) Three brothers always helped     their neighbours

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