Загальна кількість переглядів сторінки


Додаток 1
Поєднання наочної та мовної семантизації.
Вправа «Лексичне гроно»

Вправа «Лексичне гроно»
My family



                            Вправа «Лексичне гроно»


                          Вправа «Лексичне гроно»
                                          My body

                                                                                                              My room


 Додаток 2

Метод Асоціативних Символів

    Презентація будь-якого навчального матеріалу проходить за незмінними принципами: 1) домовленість про використання асоціативного образу; 2) перевірка розуміння; 3) озвучення цього образу мовою, яка вивчається, з одночасним зображенням його.
Перед початком введення нового лексичного матеріалу  я разом з учнями домовляюсь, якими рухами вони зображатимуть той чи інший предмет, стан або дію, коментуючи їх спочатку рідною мовою. Приклади деяких рухів зображені на малюнках:

    1. Річка.   2. Ліс.  3. Парк.  4. Зоопарк.

  1. Читати книгу. 2. Грати з мячем.  3. Дивитись телевізор. 4. Грати на   компютері.   

1.     Ліжко.  2. Стіл.  3. Стілець.  4. Шкаф.
Додаток 3
Віршовано-пісенні  матеріали як один із видів мовної семантизації
The Squirrel Gathers Nuts
This is the    (tall tree)   bare and brown,

And these are the  
 (brown leaves) fluttering down.
This is the 
  (squirrel) with eyes so bright,

Hunting for 
   (nuts) with all her might.

This is the  
 (hole) where day by day,

Nut after nut she  
   ( stores) away.

  (winter) comes with its  (cold and storm).

Додаток 4
Form 4
Тема. Everything is good in its  season.
Освітні цілі уроку:
узагальнити знання учнів з теми «Пори року. Погода»;
формувати навички вживання в усному мовленні лексичних одиниць;
активізувати вживання вивчених граматичних структур;
удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання;
Розвиваючі цілі уроку:
розвивати пізнавальну активність учнів;
розвивати різні види пам’яті (слухову і зорову, оперативну та тривалу);
розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію;
Виховні цілі уроку:
формувати загальнокультурні вміння спілкування з людьми;
формувати пізнавальний інтерес до оточуючого світу;
формувати позитивне ставлення до процесу навчання та отримання знань.
Обладнання: підручник, магнітофон, аудіозапис пісні, малюнки, картки з словами.

І. Beginning of the lesson.
1. Greeting.
       Poem. Good morning, dear children!
                  Good morning, dear teacher!
                  Good morning! How  are you?
                  We are very happy to say “Hello!” to you!
                  Me too! I’m fine, thank you! And  you?
     Song.   Hello! How are you?  Hello! How are you? (twice)
                  I’m fine! I’m great! I’m OK! I’m happy!I’m wonderful today!
                 Hello! How are you?  Hello! How are you? (twice)
                 I’m tired! I’m bored! I’m OK! I’m angry! I’m very sad today!
                Hello! How are you?  Hello! How are you? (twice)
                 I’m very well today!!!

ІІ. Presentation of the theme. Warm up.

1. Speaking.

English proverb says: “Everything is good in its season”. Do you understand it?
It is often/usually/never...
The weather is...
(There are four seasons in the year. Each of them brings different weather, different clothes, feeling and activities.Children describe the weather.)
This season is...
The day is .....


snowy  warm,  hot,  wet, cold,  good, bad,  cloudy, cool,  sunny, rainy, bright, frosty,  foggy, windy, nice,  great, slippery

2. Phonetic drill.

When the weather is wet                          When the weather is warm
We must not fret                                        We must not storm
When the weather is cold                           But be joyful  together
We must not scold.                                     Whatever the weather.

ІІІ. The main part of the lesson.

1. Listening.        Song “Weather”
1) Pre-listening activities.
How’s the weather change in different seasons?
What’s your favourite weather or season? And why?

2) While-listening activities.

Rain, fun, sun, like, white,  sunny, snow, wet, lovely, hot, warm, umbrella

Listen and match the pictures to the words.

3) Post-reading activities.
How do we feel on rainy/snowy/sunny days?
Read and sing the song.

The weather behaves in different ways,
It can change from day to day
 .......and  .......and   ......., too

What’s the weather    
     ........with you?

On  ...... days we all get wet
Take your  ........ – don’t forget!
Wear a coat to keep you dry
Or if you can, just stay  inside.

On  .....days the world is             ....
It really is a        ..... sight
Put on  warm clothes, then off you go
Have  ҉   playing in the ......
On.... days, the weather’s .....
So wear  the coolest clothes you’ve got
Play outside and enjoy the .....
......days are lots of  ҉ ..... .

2. Вправа «Лексичне гроно» .

·        Divide students into four groups and assign (or ask students to choose) a season for each group.
·        Explain that each group is going to make a poster  for their season. The students in each group should choose the things they will have on their poster and decide who is going to draw what, for example one student can draw a tree, one student can draw a squirrel with nuts, etc. Give students paper to do this. Then give students a large piece of paper and they can cut out and stick their drawings on the paper to make a poster. They should label the items in English.
·        While the students are working, play the song and let them sing along if they like.
·        Display the posters around the room and let the students look at each other’s work.
·        Have whole class feedback on which is their favourite season and why.
                                                                  (див. додатки до уроку)

ІІІ. The last part of the lesson.
1. Hometask.
 At home you are going to make up the story about your fafourite season.
2. Summing up.
- Your marks are…Our lesson is over. Good bye!!!

Вправа «Лексичне гроно»
Лексичні одиниці до малюнків


Grey clouds in the sky. Cold rain strong wind. Leaves of different colours. Vegetables and fruit. Rainy days. Cool and windy. Birds fly away. To gather multicoloured leaves in the park. To wait in the rain. To soak wet. To pour down.


Soft white snow. To make snow castles. To go to the skating rink. To play snowballs. To make snowmen. To ski and sledge. Freezing cold. Slippery. Ice on the lake. Much snow. Frosty outside. Strong wind. To stay at home near the fire.To decorate a Christmas tree.

  First flowers appear.To build birdhouse. It’s getting warm.Trees blossom.Birds come back from warm countries.The warm wind blows.White clouds.To pick up the first flowers.To listen to the birds’singing.Green grass, trees, bushes. It thunders.The snow thaws(melts).

To play by the river.To swim in the lake(sea).Hot sun.To build sand castles.To go boating(fishing, hiking,cycling,roleblading).To go for a walk in the forest.To get tanned.To play outdoors.Long days/short nights.To ride a bike.To meet friend.To see rainbows.It thunders(lightens, hails).

Додаток 5
Form 3
Unit 3  Welcome back to school
Lesson 8
Theme. My Day
·        to study activities/daily routines on the topic;
·        to improve reading for detailed understanding;
·        to develop speaking on the topic “My activities every day”, using the adverbs of frequency;
·        to use the Present Simple (positive) for permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines;
·        to pronunciate [s ] [ z]  [ız ] (3d person singular);
·        to listen for specific information;
·        to be organized, disciplined and active.

Materials: Oksana Karpiuk “English 3”,  pictures “Activities”, tapescript 1 (song “Every day”), tapescript 2 (text “My Daily Routine), handout 1 (text “The girl’s daily routine”), handout 2 (text “My day”),  tables.

І. Greeting. Beginning of the lesson.
   Poem   Teacher. Good morning, dear children!
                 Pupils.   Good morning, dear teacher!
                               Good morning! How are you?
                               We are very happy to say “HELLO” to you!!!

   Poem (Children show two hands and imagine that they are boys meeting in the street)
            Hello! Meet me! (showing the “speaking” right hand)
            Hello! Meet me! What is your name? (showing the “speaking” left hand)
                 My name is Nick. And yours? (showing the “speaking” right hand)
                 My name is Dick. How old are you, I ask you? (showing the “speaking” left hand)
                 I am eight. (showing the “speaking” right hand)
                Oh, I am eight, too. How are you? (showing the “speaking” left hand)
                 I am great. And what about you? (showing the “speaking” right hand)
                OK, thank you!!! showing the “speaking” left hand)
                Nice to meet you! (showing the “speaking” right hand)
                 Nice to meet you, too!!!( showing the “speaking” left hand)

ІІ. Warm up. Presentation of the the theme.
 (There are lots of pictures “activities”/ “daily routines” on the board. Children guess what topic we are going to discuss today).

ІІІ. The main part of the lesson.
 1. Vocabulary Practice.
(Children match the activities which describe the pictures on the board. The teacher pronounces the daily routines)
at school
to bed
a bag
the room
to school
morning exercises

2. Reading Practice.
(The teacher pronounces the daily routines and the children repeat chorus)

get up;                                
brush teeth;
wash face;
have breakfast;
comb hair;
do homework;

do shopping;
go to bed;
go to school;
play games;
read books;
study at school;
meet friends;
take a bag;
clean the room;
watch cartoons;
get dressed;
do morning exercises.

3. Speaking Practice.
Teacher. What do you do in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening?

In the morning

get up, brush my teeth.....
In the afternoon
go home, do homework..
In the evening
watch cartoons, read books
4. Grammar. Adverbs of frequency.


 (The teacher shows the meaning of the adverbs of frequency).

5. Speaking Practice.
 Teacher. Now using the adverbs of frequency describe the activities through a day.

In the morning

get up, brush my teeth.....
In the afternoon
go home, do homework...
At lunch
have lunch, eat apples...
In the evening
watch cartoons, read books...

6. Song Time. ( Tapescript 1)
(Children sing the song “Every Day”)

7. Listening Practice. ( Tapescript 2)
1) Pre-listening activities.
Teacher. Now you are going to listen to a short story about a girl and her daily routines. While I am reading, you are choosing the activities according to the story which you can see on the board.

               What does the girl do every day?
             (Children choose out the activities according to the story)


2) While-listening activities.
(When I read the text, I show all activities to help pupils understand the information).
3) Post-listening activities.
Teacher.   What is her name?
                What does this girl do in the morning? (Children choose out the activities)
                How many lessons does the girl have every day?
                At what time does she come home from school?
                What does she do in the afternoon? (Children choose out the activities)
                What are her activities in the evening? (Children choose out the activities)

8. Grammar. The Present Simple Tense.
Teacher. Let’s tell me about the girl’s  activities every day.

In the morning

gets up, gets dressed, brushes her ..
In the afternoon
goes home,does homework...
In the evening
watches cartoons, reads books

 (Children look at the table and help the teacher to explain using  The  Present Simple Tense ).

8. Pronunciation.

     -s or –es in the third person singular is pronounced:
             [s ] with verbs ending in [f], [ k],  [p ] etc.(makes, sleeps, gets)
             [ z] with verbs ending in all other sounds (has, plays, rides,goes)
             [ız ] with verbs ending in [s], [z ],  [tʃ ], [ ʃ ], [dʒ] (brushes, watches, exercises)

9. Listen and repeat.
[s] starts, paints, likes, cooks, helps.
[z] shows, plays, draws, lives, stays.
 [ız] watches, finishes, washes, dresses, brushes.

10. Grammar Practice.

   10.1. Writing. Choose the correct word.
 1. I play/ plays football and then he do/ does homework.
2.She get up/ gets up and have/ has breakfast.
3.We have/ has lunch at school.
4.School start/ starts at 9 o'clock.
5.My English finish/ finishes at 11 o'clock.
6.You come/ comes home in the evening.

10.2. Speaking. (Handout 1)
Teacher. Use The Present Simple Tense to talk about the girl’s daily routine.

ІV. Summarising.
What activities of daily routines can you name  in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening?
When do you use the Present Simple Tense?

V. Home task.
Complete the text about your daily routine. (Handout 2 )
Tapescript 1
Song “Every day”
“Every day” (2)
What do you  do every day?
·        clean my room
·        wash my hands
·        ride a bike
·        take a bath
·        comb my hair
·        brush my teeth
·        read a book
·        watch TV
Tapescript 2           
                            My Daily Routine
           My name is Dasha. I'm a pupil and my lessons start at 9 o'clock in the morning.
          I usually get up at 7.30 o’clock in the morning. First, I brush teeth, wash my face and dress. Then I have breakfast. At 8.30 o'clock in the morning I take my schoolbag and go to school.
          I usually have five lessons at school. I come back home at 2         o'clock in the afternoon, walk my dog and then I usually have dinner. Three days a week I go to the swimming pool. I always do my homework before I go swimming.
       In the evening my parents, sister and I have supper together. Then I often help my mum to wash the dishes. We sometimes watch TV in the living room or I read, draw or play with my younger sister. At 10 o'clock in the evening I brush my teeth and go to bed.

Handout 1
                                               The Girl’s  Daily Routine
           Her name is Dasha. She is a pupil and her lessons start at 9 o'clock in the morning.
          She usually get up at 7.30 o’clock in the morning. First, she brush teeth, wash her face and get dress. Then she have breakfast. At 8.30 o'clock in the morning she take her schoolbag and go to school.
          She usually have five lessons at school. She come back home at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, walk her dog and then she usually have dinner. Three days a week she go to the swimming pool. She always do her homework before she go swimming.
       In the evening her parents, sister and she have supper together. Then she often help her mum to wash the dishes. She sometimes watch TV in the living room or she read, draw or play with her younger sister. At 10 o'clock in the evening she brush her teeth and go to bed.

                                                                                                                    Handout 2
My Day
       I usually ________________at _____o’clock in the ________________. I brush my_________, ___________my face ,_______ dressed and ____________my hair.
      I always have_______in the morning. I usually have_____for my breakfast.
     Then I ________my bag and _____________to school.
       My school starts at_____________ o’clock. I often have_____or___lessons a day. At school I ___________,__________, _______my friends and play_______.
      I come back home from school at__o’clock in the ______. I have_________After that I ______________________________________.
   In the evening my family have supper together. Then I _____________________ .
    I go to____________at___________in the evening.

Додаток 6
Form 1
Unit 2  My school
Lesson 2
Theme. School things.
·        to study vocabulary on the topic “School things”;
·        to study letters Cc and Dd;
·        to develop speaking and listening skills using the structure It is a.....;
·        to revise colours;
·        to be quiet, tidy, helpful, friendly and fair.
Materials:  Oksana Karpiuk “English 1”, flashcards “School things”, colours, colourful pencils, photocopiable material 1 (“School things”), photocopiable material   2 (pictures with letter Cc and letter Dd).

І. Greeting. Beginning of the lesson.
Poem.   Teacher. Good morning, dear children!
                 Pupils.   Good morning, dear teacher!
                               Good morning! How are you?
                               We are very happy to say “HELLO” to you!!!

Remember the rules at school.
(Teacher welcomes to organize the active and well-behaved learning process)

I am in school to learn.
We raise our hands to speak.
We work queitly at out seats.

We use voices soft and sweet.
We keep our places tidy and neat.

We are helpful, friendly and fair.    
We take turns and willingly share.
 ІІ. The main part of the lesson.
      1. Warm up.
 Teacher.  (explains the unknown words by gestures)
                 Day by day, every day you walk to SCHOOL
                 You have to study at SCHOOL
                 Meet with friends ,
                  Play, have fun!
                 Write, read, draw and run!
                 Help each other,
                 Learn together!
                 Do all best, every test!!!
Teacher.  Today I’d like to speak about “School”.
                  What do you need for studying at school? (School things)

 2. Vocabulary Practice.
(show flashscards with school things to the pupils and name them, imitating for what they need them )
Teacher.       It is a bag.                       All things you put in it and go to school.
                     It is a pen.                        To write with it.
                     It is a pencil.                    To draw a picture.
                     It is a book.                      To read.
                     It is a desk.                      To study at it.
                     It is a ruler.                     For Maths you need.
                     It is an rubber.                To rub with it.
                     It is a chair .                   To sit.
                     It is a pencil – case.       A box for the things.

3. Revision of colours.
Teacher. You can see that the school things aren’t coloured. Let’s remember the colours and then colour them with your pencils).
 Song “Rainbow colours”
                 Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue.
                 I can see a rainbow, see a rainbow, see a rainbow, too.

4. Pair Work
(Children get the pictures of the school things and colour all of them  to teacher’s instructions).                                                                       (Photocopiable material 1)

Teacher.  It is a school bag.     It is green.
                      It is a pen.                It is blue. (etc....)

5. Physical warm up.
   Look at the window,
    Point to the door,
    Bend all down,
    And touch the floor.
   Stand up and look around,
    All sit down and touch the ground.
   Stand up and look at me,
   Clap your hands and touch the knee.

6.  Game   «Alphabet».

Teacher: Let’s remember  the letters. (Children name and pronounce the sounds of letter Aa and letter Bb. Then they show all the pictures on the board which start  with these letters).

A  is  for apple [ æ ] apple.    B is for bed [b] bag,  [b] boot, [b] bee,
A  is  for  ant [ æ ] ant .                  [b]  book, [b] baby                       A   is  for   apron [eı] apron.
A   is  for apricot [eı] apricot  .

Teacher: Today at our lesson we have the guests.  They are waiting for our invitation.  Let’s ask them to come into the classroom. But we don’t know their names. The next English letters help us to name them. The letters we are going to study today: Cc and Dd.  Let’s pronounce their sounds.

 Letter Cc, sound [k].  C is for (a guest appear) cat.
Letter Dd, sound [d].  D is for (a guest appear) dog.

Teacher: I would like to hang out you the pictures with the letter Cc and Dd. Let’s look at them. Do you understand all the pictures? (the teacher prounce all the words with letter Cc and Dd, pupils repeat). You have got the pencils. Let’s colour the pictures. (Handout 1)

7.  Physical warm up.
    Hands on your hips,                            Raise your hands
    Hands on your knees,                          High in the air,
    Put them behind you,                           At your sides,
    If   you please.                                     On your hair.
    Touch your shoulder,                          Raise your hands
    Touch your nose,                                As before,
    Touch your ears,                                While you clap them,
    Stand on your toes.                            One, two, three, four.
    Jump- one, two, three.
    Clap your hands behind.                   March slowly- march quickly!

ІІІ. The last part of the lesson.
 1. Summarising.
Teacher: What letter did you study at this lesson?
                Can you name the school things?

2.  Saying “Good-bye”.
Good-bye song.
Good-bye, good-bye
See you again!
Good-bye, good-bye
See you my friends
Good-bye, good-bye
I had fun today! (2)

Photocopiable material 1

Photocopiable material 2


1 коментар:

  1. "Лексичне гроно" - просто і дієво. Дякую за ідею. Уже використала на уроці.
